Saturday, July 20, 2019

moralant Moral Law vs. Civil Law in in Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays

Moral Law vs. Civil Law in Antigone In the case of Antigone versus the state, she chose to follow moral law, or God's law if you will. Ultimately she felt that His law was right, and the civil government had no right to say who does and who does not have the right to a proper burial. People make decisions everyday in accordance with God's laws or the governments laws. They make a choice between the two, and they go with it. It's decided upon according to what they believe is right. Antigone based her decisions solely on her beliefs that she felt within her heart. She followed through with her actions, prepared to face the consequences, knowing what they would be. This shows that Antigone is courageous and passionate in her beliefs. She felt that the law of the land was unjust and she couldn't let the soul of her brother suffer because of injustice. Many citizens backer her up on her decision. Creon's son, Haemon, even told his father what they thought. He said, "The people feel sorry for Antigone. They say it isn't equitable that she must die." God spoke to her and she acted upon the support of a loved one. She did what she did knowing would smile upon her and the dead would welcome her. Creon is what the civil law is. Polynices, the unburied, brother of Antigone, fought against Thebes, making him undeserving of a grave according to Creon. All that Polynices was doing was following his own morals. He believed in the other side, whatever that may have been, and he gave his life for it. Creon, being closed minded, lashed out before taking the time to weight the circumstances, and being so hasty in his decision suffered an even greater consequence than that of Antigone, in the end. He refused to listen even after Teiresias warned him by saying, "The sun won't run its course for many days before you have to repay a corpse of your own..." Antigone performed God's will, and Creon tried to stand in the way, thinking of himself as more powerful. In the end though, it showed that morality would prevail over all else, proving that's what in your heart is what matters the most. What ever punishment Creon received, he deserved. Teiresias told him that what he was doing was wrong, "One body you have locked in a tomb. Another that rightly should be in the underworld you have forcibly retained here on earth. Because of this, the Furies have been waiting to pay you back in your own coin.

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