Sunday, August 18, 2019

Society Must Begin to Value the Labor of Women Essay -- Argumentative

Society Must Begin to Value the Labor of Women The very idea that Capitalism doesn't work for some groups of law abiding, liberty-loving humans stirs horror in the minds of some -- traditionalists, in particular. Nevertheless, Capitalism, (as a way of life) and its economic objectives simply does not serve the lives or the welfare of large segments of our population. Most of us will never become wealthy corporates. Most of us will never own a highly successful business, become a famous rock star, or attain the status of a highly paid professional athlete. Most of us, in fact, will consider ourselves lucky if we get enough food to eat in our lifetimes -- if we are able to afford even the smallest of luxuries in life, like getting our teeth filled when they are in need filling, or going out for an ice cream or a movie every now and again. Most of us will never be able to afford most or even all of the commercial products that call to us through the seductive market of free exchange. We blindly accept that Capitalism is the only or even the best economic system we, as humans, are capable of imagining. And while it's true that Capitalism works for the few, it most often doesn't work for the many. In fact, as many economists and political scientists will tell you, Capitalism is dirty business. It thrives off the most vulnerable among us -- the lowest paid and the unpaid. Capitalism doesn't concern itself with fairness. It doesn't promote an ethical conscience and it, in reality, has very little to nothing to do with the principles of fair exchange. Capitalism is not a system that concerns itself with the principles of "freedom" or equitable exchange. In a very real sense, then, Capitalism is, quite possibly, the very a... ...onfines of the home. Job sight is everything in Capitalism. On the job domestic workers are perceived, through Capitalist ideology, as people unworthy of financial entitlement, status or recognition. Capitalism doesn't concern itself with the care of the home or the children. This is somebody else's responsibility. Somebody else is responsible for the maintenance of homebound women and children. Social assistance is not a paycheck for domestic workers. It does not pay women enough money to feed children adequately, and it demeans, without a doubt, the daunting, laborious, compassionate nature of quality care that many children in our city receive on a daily basis. Sadly enough, we are all complicit in acting out of Capitalism values every time we treat mothers or the work of mothering as though it had absolutely no significance to the maintenance of culture.

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