Friday, October 18, 2019

Religion in What Dreams May Come True Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religion in What Dreams May Come True - Essay Example These religions based their teachings on psychoanalytical postulations of human beings urging followers that the answers to their questions were to be found in no other place other than within. The 1998 film starring Robin Williams called â€Å"What Dreams May Come† clearly brings into perspective some of the postulations that have been used by emerging religions and the reason for the sudden popularity of those religions among the masses. There are questions that even in this age of technological advancements human beings have not been able to answer particularly the ones that pertain to his essence as a being and whether the earthly existence is by chance, or it is a journey with a purpose and a particular destination. The paper looks at how the film â€Å"What Dreams May Come True† manages to bring about some key characteristics in the teachings of New Thought Religions. The Power of the Mind. The concept of the power of the mind is clearly found in the teachings of Ernest Homes who postulated that human beings had the power to control their destiny through the power of their minds. Holmes outlines that the first greatest discovery that human being ever made was that ‘He could think† (Holmes 24). Holmes goes on to outline that the power of the human mind is evident in how man has utilized the resources nature has provided for him to come up with great inventions. New Thought religions propose on the power of the mind and are perhaps the source of the concept of the power of positive thinking. In the film â€Å"What Dreams May Come† the producer manages to bring about the concept of the power of thought through the family of Dr. Christopher. After the death of his children and going through emotional distress, Dr. Chris is also involved in car accident and finds himself in heaven.

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