Saturday, August 22, 2020

Writing essay about William Shakespeare Example For Students

Composing exposition about William Shakespeare William Shakespeare is standard respected to be the best screenwriter the world has ever observed and the best writer who has made his plays in the English language. Also, Shakespeare has been the universes most popular creator. No different journalists works have been distributed so often or perused so comprehensively in such huge numbers of spots. Shakespeare knew human instinct as scarcely any different journalists have. He could see in a specific emotional case the characteristics that allude to every single person. He could subsequently deliver characters that have thought past the time and spot of his works. However, his characters are not representative individuals. They are conspicuous individual people. They endeavor similarly as individuals do in genuine circumstances, now and again productively and now and again with irksome and deplorable accident. Shakespeare made in any event 37 works. These works incorporate clear characters of numerous types and from strolls of the real world. Lords, pickpockets, cheats, shepherds and savants, officers and recruited executioners all intermix in Shakespeares works. In supplement to his profound origination of human instinct, Shakespeare had information in an expansive assorted variety of different subjects. These subjects contain music, the law, craftsmanship, and governmental issues, the Bible, military science, history and sports.Produced by Yet, Shakespeare had no expert information in any subject to the avoidance of the theater. Over every single other author stands William Shakespeare, the best virtuoso whom it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to describe in no time. Shakespeare is extraordinary as writer and individual, yet he remains slippery. The strength and profound ubiquity of his taste gave him the likelihood to lead the Renaissance in England without privileging or prejudicing any of its different angles, while as entertainer, dramatist, and investor in the Lord Chamberlains players he was brought into the Elizabethan performance center at each degree. His vocation dated from 1589 to 1613 was simply inside the hour of most prominent artistic success, and just in his works are for the most part the potential outcomes of the Renaissance completely figured it out. The embroilments and errors of Shakespeares age locate their most elevated prosper in his disasters. In these extraordinary accomplishments, all worthies, progressions, and types are analyzed and discovered needing, and all societys shrouded clashes are shown. Shakespeare contradicts spouse against wife, mother against youngster, the person against state; he uncrowns emissaries, compares the aristocrat with the pathetic, and questions the divine beings. In the primary disasters that follow, Shakespeares practice can't be proportioned to a solitary general expression that covers all circumstances, for every catastrophe alludes to a different sort: vengeance catastrophe in Hamlet, household catastrophe in Othello, social catastrophe in King Lear, etc. Shakespeare changed the dramatization, extending the crowds idea of human life and changed the language. His compositions, at that point as now, routed to an incredible crowd. They uncover both a basic information on writing and a profound compassion for the language and direct of the customary man. The recognizing business producer and the remarkable skilled craftsman can't be isolated. William Shakespeare adapted to the troublesome plot of Hamlet splendidly. In this creation, he likewise producedâ maybe his most prominent exhibition of characters. The job of Hamlet is believed to be one of the performance centers remarkable acting difficulties. Shakespeare focused the play on the significant clash between the necessities of his feelings and the faltering suspicion of his psyche. Hamlet shows this contention in some recognizable and splendid monologues.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Understanding Male Eating Disorders

Understanding Male Eating Disorders Eating Disorders Print Understanding Male Eating Disorders By Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS facebook twitter linkedin Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, is a certified eating disorders expert and clinical psychologist who provides cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Learn about our editorial policy Lauren Muhlheim, PsyD, CEDS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 14, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 09, 2019 PeopleImages/Getty Images More in Eating Disorders Symptoms Treatment Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention While once thought to be solely female illnesses, eating disorders are known to afflict people of all genders. Eating disorders are diagnosed in males of all ages ranging from children to older adults. Many researchers believe that male eating disorders we are seeing today are just the tip of the iceberg. Eating disorders in males have not received attention until recently for several reasons which include: The omission of males from research on eating disordersLack of recognition of eating disorder symptoms by males and their family membersBias by professionals leading to less likelihood of eating disorder diagnosis in malesThe stigma associated with males seeking help for what has primarily been seen as a female illnessExclusion of males by eating disorder treatment centersStrongly feminine branding of eating disorder treatment centers (e.g., pink- and flower-dominated décor, no male images on websites and marketing materials)Eating disorders presenting with different symptoms in males than in femalesInadequate attention to male eating disorder behaviors in most eating disorder assessment measuresDiagnostic criteria were gender-biased making it harder for males to be diagnosed. History Eating disorders in males were first noted in 1689 when English physician Richard Morton described two cases of “nervous consumption,” one in a male patient. In 1874, Ernest Charles Lasegue and Sir William Gull made other case reports of males with anorexia nervosa. After these key early cases, males with eating disorders were marginalized, deemed “rare,” and forgotten about until 1972 when Peter Beaumont and colleagues studied anorexia nervosa in male subjects. Until quite recently, males were excluded from most of the treatment studies that led to the development of diagnostic criteria and to treatments for eating disorders. Less than 1 percent  of all eating disorder research focuses specifically on males. Consequently, eating disorders have been viewed through a female lens. Under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV-TR (current until 2013), one key requirement for the diagnosis for anorexia was amenorrhea â€" loss of a menstrual period. Men were physiologically incapable of qualifying for a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Imagine that â€" unable to be diagnosed due to an anatomical impossibility! Prevalence The most widely-quoted study estimates that males have a  lifetime prevalence  of 0.3 percent  for anorexia nervosa, 0.5 percent for bulimia nervosa, and 2.0 percent for binge eating disorder. The proportion of total people with eating disorders that are male is not known. Older statistics cite 10 percent, but given the reluctance of males with eating disorders to admit they have a problem and the inability of research to capture male eating disorders, most experts believe it is higher. More recent estimates say anywhere from 20 percent to 25 percent of the total number of people with eating disorders are male. The National Association for Males with Eating Disorders estimates that 25 to 40 percent of people with all eating disorders are males. Among eating disorder diagnoses, males have relatively more representation in binge eating disorder and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), two newer diagnoses. Estimates indicate that about 40 percent  of people with binge eating disorder are male. In one study of children in a pediatric gastroenterology network, 67 percent of those diagnosed with ARFID were male. Features There are some major differences between male and female eating disorder presentations. Males with eating disorders tend to be older, have greater rates of other psychiatric problems (such as anxiety, depression, and substance use), and engage in more suicidal behaviors than females with eating disorders. Males with eating disorders also have a higher rate of having previously been overweight. Men are less likely to engage in typical purging behaviors and are more likely to use exercise as a compensatory behavior. Finally, because of stigma, males are less likely to seek treatment. When they do, it is often after a long illness and they may thus be sicker and more entrenched in their disorder.   Some researchers propose that the more common presentation of eating disorders in men is muscularity-oriented disordered eating or muscle dysmorphia, initially termed reverse anorexia and sometimes called bigorexia. Muscle dysmorphia is currently technically categorized as a type of body dysmorphia, which itself is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder. In muscle dysmorphia, the body type desired is not thinner as we see in traditional female anorexia, but bigger and more muscular. This corresponds with the traditional societal view of the ideal male body. The core symptom of muscle dysmorphia is a fear of not being muscular enough. The associated symptomatic behaviors often include compulsive exercise, disordered eating characterized by protein supplementation and dietary restriction, and the use of supplements and performance-enhancing drugs or steroids. It can also include distinct and alternating phases as people vacillate between eating first to increase muscle and then to decrease body fat. Researchers have also observed “cheat meals,” planned high-calorie meals, in the service of this muscular ideal. As with behaviors seen in the more typical female presentation of eating disorders, these behaviors also carry significant medical risks. However, they often fly under the radar as they are commonly believed to be healthy behaviors. One study indicated that as many as 53 percent  of competitive bodybuilders might have muscle dysmorphia. Sexual Orientation A myth is that most males with eating disorders are gay. A frequently cited study in 2007 showed a higher percentage of gay than heterosexual males with diagnoses of anorexia nervosa. Based on this study, it has often been assumed that a male patient with an eating disorder is most likely gay. While there may be relatively more eating disorders in the gay male community, most males with eating disorders are heterosexual. One  study found little connection between sexual orientation and the incidence of eating disorders. Instead, the researchers identified a connection between gender identification and the eating disorder’s expression: those individuals who identified with more feminine gender norms tended to have thinness body concerns, while those who identified with more masculine norms tended towards muscularity concerns. Assessment   All of the various assessment tools commonly used to assess eating disorders were designed for use with females. As a result, they may not adequately identify an eating disorder in a male. For example, the Eating Disorders Inventory includes the item, “I think my thighs are too large.” This item is less likely to be endorsed by males because it does not reflect their body image concerns. The Eating Disorder Assessment for Males, a male-specific assessment tool, (EDAM), is under development. An item that corresponds to the EDI item above might take the form of, “I check my body several times a day for muscularity,”â€" more oriented toward traditional male concerns. The availability of new tools such as the EDAM should help more males get appropriately diagnosed. Treatment There currently exist no specific treatments for eating disorders in males. When males have been included in studies, they seem to respond well to the same treatments that have been successful for females with eating disorders, especially cognitive behavioral therapy for adults and family-based treatment (FBT) for adolescents and young adults. FBT has also been successfully applied to adolescent muscle dysmorphia. Such treatment may focus more on limiting exercise and preventing excessive protein intake than on weight gain. The treatment of male patients should address the stigma of being seen for what is commonly known as a female disorder. Treatment with males often focuses more closely on addressing exercise, which is often the first symptom to present and the last to remit. Find Support From the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs A Word From  Verywell If you or someone you care about is a male with an eating disorder, do not hesitate to seek help. While reaching out for help may seem scary, it is an important first step in overcoming a disorder that can be treated. There are gender-specific organizations, like  the  National Association for Males With Eating Disorders  that can help.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

My Day Of School After Winter Break - 1673 Words

Numb Toes and Good Times There are not many things I love more than the smell of pine trees, the cold brisk wind of the first snowfall, and the joy of Christmas time. I can see myself now, getting released on my last day of school before winter break. Second grade might not have been a struggle, but a couple weeks off of school was just what a little me needed. I trudged home through the snow and slush. The sidewalks were almost non-existent in Michigan winters; you had to search for footprints made by others or risk a rolled ankle. Muddy slush seeped into my snow boots, yet still I had a grin peeled across my face. This smile was mostly a result of the day approaching, December 25th. Christmas mostly meant a couple things to me when I was little, presents, candy, and my favorite vacation out west to the mountains. The Christmas card had already sent out that year, it was all seven of us; heads morphed onto the Little Rascals characters. At the time this was probably relatively funny, but now it’s pr etty much just embarrassing. The poems on the cards were always the best, I’m sure my second grader friends couldn’t interpret the jokes my mom wrote, but their moms would. We would start planning our Christmas cards around September, it was way too early but I guess it was necessary, to create a comic masterpiece. I never understood how she made everything rhyme and flow so well, it still amazes me to this day. When I finally made it home, like clockwork, my mom yelled at meShow MoreRelatedWinter : My Favorite Winter1505 Words   |  7 Pagesbeaches during summer. Personally, I find winter to be the best season. Winter is a bonding season with a multitude of opportunities. The frigid air, the slippery ground and the sheet of white that covers the ground are just a few features of this season.I prefer winter because of the cold weather, the clothing and the long winter break. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Compare contrast - 953 Words

Compare and Contrast Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong were both explorers who captivated the world with their amazing explorations. Their paths shared many traits, though their discoveries were very different. While Armstrong was the first man on the moon on July 20, 1969, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue about four hundred years earlier to find the â€Å"new world†. While both Columbus and Armstrong had amazing explorations, Columbus made a discovery that would start mankind on a path that would make it possible for Armstrong to explore the moon. In the year 1451, Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. As a young man he studied navigation and map making, and also sailed on ships throughout Europe and Africa.†¦show more content†¦Columbus wanted to find a new passage to Asia from Spain, but ended up on and island they named San Salvador, in the Bahamas. Apollo 11 was the space flight that Neil Armstrong comanded that would land the first humans on the moon. They carried equipment and supplies to help them with thier journey, but unlike Columbuss ships, Apollo 11 was not armed for battle, and only carried three men, instead of onehundred and twenty men. Th e Spaceship was fueld by rocket boosters, where Columbuss ships used wind in the ships sales to move the ship. Neil Armstrong, along with America was in a competition to beat the Soviet Union to space and be the first humans on the moon. He risked his life on a four day trip to be the first man on the moon, and bring pride to his country. He risked having his spacecraft malfunction, lossing communication with earth, and running out of fuel, resulting in a mission falure. But he had new technologies to help the mission go smother such as new compouter software, freeze dried food, and new spacesuits. Christopher Columbus was in a race against other European countries and Portugal to find a new traiding route to Asia that took a total of about thirty seven days to even see land. Columbus risked the lives of his crew and himslef on rough sea waters, and enemeys attacking his ships. He also took the risk of bringing back nothing to show for his voyage such as riches or an amazing discove ry. To help with Columbuss journey, he had new shipsShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast1441 Words   |  6 PagesThe Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let’s explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subjects similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subjects differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning-process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and its this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. 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Native Americans in the United States Free Essays

string(207) " failures included the continued use of acorns, the methods the Indians used to prepare and store their food, the tools they used, and the resourceful way they utilized the â€Å"benign and generous landscape\." Final Version/Essay #1 â€Å"L. D. Creel and California Indian Acorn Culture† by Elyssia Foster Hist 3500 – 04, Fall 2012 October 30, 2012 (3071 words) Most Americans from the past have stereotyped the Native Indians of California as a primitive and unintelligent race. We will write a custom essay sample on Native Americans in the United States or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Anglo-Americans have forced their culture on these Indians, insisting they give up their primitive ways. Historian Richard B. Rice explains, that nearly all thought of them as â€Å"one of the most degraded of God’s creatures. He says, â€Å"Such negative stereotypes salved the consciences of the nineteenth-century pioneers as they murdered California’s indigenous peoples, stole their land, destroyed their cultures, enslaved their children, and confined the survivors to barren reservations. † They made do with what little resources they had on the small reservations and managed to function with much of their traditional culture, especially the acorns that were still a very important part of their diets. I have found that even though the goal of the Federal government was to transform the Indians into what they called â€Å"a white man† it was not a successful transformation. The Indians held tightly to their old traditions and left little room for the white culture, except that which was forced upon them. Before the first Anglo-American encounter, the regular traditions for the California Indians included hunting and gathering, trading between tribes, hierarchy systems of poor and wealthier people in power, and the practice of medicine. The Indians were very knowledgeable about the flora and fauna that surrounded them. They would even sow wild seeds to bring the plants closer to their homes. They hunted a variety of animals like desert animals, salmon, shellfish, rodents, snakes, and birds. Even with all this food available to them, they had a much more reliable staple, the acorn. The acorn was used as a main staple as early as 5000 BCE. Rice explains, â€Å"One tree might provide fifty-five pounds of acorns for one day’s labor. † They could round up a year’s supply of this food in just over a week of labor. They were sophisticated people who had a trade system in place that served their various needs. It offered items to each tribe that were not available to them due to the area they lived it. Trade also supported harmony between the tribes. Another tradition for the Indians was the different levels of classes. It was inevitable into which class an Indian would be placed because class is something that they inherited according to the family they were born into. The class was inevitable by which family you were born into because it is an inherited state. The Indians had people who ranged from slaves to the elites who had slaves, all in which was an inherited status. The Indians in California were very smart and had their own doctors, but called them â€Å"Shamans. † They set bones, and experimented with plants to create chemicals that would serve as medicine to heal. This life systems and culture took thousands of years to evolve, but it was a system that worked well for them. Historian Richard B. Rice explains that the Indians were believed to have a, â€Å"more dependable standard of living than would have been possible with farming. † All of this proves that the Indians were far from being a stupid race. In 1850, treaties were put in place that would state the land did not belong to the Indians. The Indians were to stay on a very small portion of land segregated from the whites. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) was created by the government to make sure the treaties were being employed. The BIA had made many efforts to transform the Indians for one main reason. Historian Mary Ann Irwin explains that the Federal Government thought that if they could civilize the Indians or as they branded it â€Å"kill the Indian, save the man† then there would not be conflict anymore, the greatest of which was over land. Due to the treaties, the Indians must come to terms with the American Government’s authority because it was forced upon them. The Feds also thought that if the Indians could be converted they would not need the treaties; therefore, the Americans could take even more land, the Indian land. The government moved the Indians to reservations and rancheros at that point and trained them in the white man’s way of life. As you could imagine, by forcing the Indians onto small pieces of land it made it difficult for them to continue to live as they use to. They could not hunt as they did before or forage for wild plants and reseed closer to the reservations. For this reason alone the efforts to convert the Indians was successful as they had no choice but to take whatever commands or resources the Americans gave them. BIA efforts to assimilate the Indians continued in 1852 when they created boarding schools. The boarding schools were there to teach the Indian women how to become more domesticated. The school taught the women tasks like sewing, housekeeping, and how to be domestic servants. BIA also hoped to teach the men through the school occupational skills like mechanics, blacksmith, and agriculture. Most importantly, the school was there to teach all the Indians English. However, the Indians held onto key components of their traditions. L. D. Creel was an agent of the BIA. He was sent in 1923 to interview and observe the Mono and Chukchansi Indians in California. Part of his responsibilities as the agent of the BIA was to administer the federal government’s treaty to the Mono and Chukchansi tribes. He reports back with seven photos, each with a detail caption. These photos show mostly the lack of Native Indian assimilation into mainstream American culture, but later I will show the few ways BIA was successful at changing the Indians. The photos and captions show the failures of the BIA’s attempt to assimilate the Indians. The failures included the continued use of acorns, the methods the Indians used to prepare and store their food, the tools they used, and the resourceful way they utilized the â€Å"benign and generous landscape. You read "Native Americans in the United States" in category "Papers" Primarily, Creel made it clear that he did not exactly approve of the use of acorns when he said, â€Å"Although the family is one of the most progressive of any I met, the acorn is a matter of regular diet. † Therefore, they had not succeeded at removing this main staple from the Mono and Chukchansi’s diet. This proves how committed they were to this part of t heir culture. Even though it took major effort to process the acorns, it was very important to the Indians. It may be because there is fifteen native species of acorns, and it is a food source that has been very reliable to the Indians over the past thousands of years. Creel states that, â€Å"The acorn now supplies fifty per cent of the bread food of the Indians of Madera and Fresno Counties. † Though this may prove that the BIA was partially successful at converting the Indians’ bread food away from the acorn, it also showed how the Indians were still apprehensive to letting the acorn go as a main staple in their diet. With all these efforts you will see that the Indians resisted where they could and accepted some efforts willingly and adopted others reluctantly. Even if the Indians wanted to convert away from the use of acorns and switch to a substitute, they did not know how. The acorn is a necessity to the Indians, as Creel states when he said, â€Å"Were it not for the acorns these Indians would have a hard time for bread food, as they do not understand how to combine the substitutes with white flour to make satisfactory bread. † I think a very important point is the fact that the Indians do not know how to use the substitute to make bread, but the food controller has provided the substitute in the event the Indians need it. It does not seem to be much use if they cannot properly use the substitute. This is a failed attempt to change the Native Indian’s diet. I see either a strong cultural persistence with the Indians or lack of guidance on the BIA’s part when it comes to the method in which the Indians use to process the acorn. Rice gives details on how difficult it was to process the acorn, â€Å"Grinding was time-consuming, perhaps as many as three hours for six pounds of finished meal. † The Indians used homemade mortars and pestles from giant rock formations to grind the acorn into a fine meal. The government failed at â€Å"killing the Indian,† because the Indians still used the landscape formations and mortars to grind the acorn when there were other extremely efficient tools. Creel states, â€Å"If these Indian communities could have one or more of the small iron mills now upon the market, a great deal of labor would be saved. † One part of me believes that Creel wanted to help the Indians and saw that the State had not done a good enough job at teaching the Indians. If the government was going to rip the Indians from their way of life, they should have properly equipped the Indians with all resources necessary to live like a white man. It must have been very difficult being forced from hunting and gathering to living in a small area that did not provide them with the tools that the rest of civilization around them used. Even though the Indians always groun the acorns by hand, it made it worse now due to the lack of access to all the other staples they once had, which to me would mean the need to process even more acorn meal. Rice observes that there were many other sources of food they had before the Anglo-Americans took their land, â€Å"California offered Natives a broad array of staples, including seeds, nuts, roots, stems, leaves from a multitude of grasses, shrubs and trees. † Now they found themselves cut off from these resources, put onto reservations, and expected to manage! I believe that most Indians resisted the change and kept using their own ways to keep the acorn supply available. In one of Creel’s photos, it shows how the Indians stored their acorns just as they had for hundreds of years, thus showing the failure of assimilation. They continued to store the supply with their own means as Creel explains, â€Å"A whicker basket is woven loosely and placed on the platform above the ground high enough to keep larger animals out of reach. † The materials used for the storage were branches and handmade thatches that Indians used as covers. The Indians seemed to have all their bases covered to preserve the acorns. They could store their acorns in a more modern way, but instead they used what the earth had given them to create a safe place above ground, like a vault secured with the twigs around them. The Indians were still very resourceful. Resisting the use of industrialized products, they continued to use nature in 1923 to accomplish some everyday, household tasks. As an example, they use one plant that they managed to have access to to achieve three purposes. This is explained in one of Creel’s captions, â€Å"They make a brush from the fiber of a plant called the soap weed which is used for three purposes. † This plant called the soap weed has fibers that the Indians use to make a brush. The brush gets the flour out of the basket’s holes and is used to scrub the baskets clean. The soap weed is also used as a cleaning agent. Even though the American Government wants to train the Indians to become more and more like the whites, they still use their customs and resources to create, clean, and perform many of their everyday tasks. Finally, another evidence of their cultural persistence is the continuing of the creative basketry. The baskets play probably the most important role in the acorn process. Due to the bitter toxins in the acorns, the fine meal must be heated and rinsed repeatedly to rid the toxins. Without these baskets, this would be impossible. The Native Indians weave the baskets so tightly that they can hold water. The Indians have made life simple with their inventions that prove that these people were absolutely civilized. Each step in the process has different types of baskets: One that can hold water, another that holds the fine meal and allows water through for rinsing, others to hold the meal for storage, and of course a basket for eating from. Rice sums it up like this, â€Å"Over thousands of years, tribes developed distinctive methods of basket construction, and decorative styles, which skilled craftswomen further refined. Even Creel sees that this art is very much in demand when he says, â€Å"These women are the most expert basket makers now living and their baskets demand high prices. † He speaks greatly about these baskets and seems to be impressed. This is not a skill that can be easily be stripped away from the Indian culture. The Mono and Chukchansi Indians did assimilate to mainstream American cul ture by the 1920’s to some degree, and most likely, they had no choice. In each picture, the Indians are wearing American clothing. This includes long dresses on the women, and pants with button up shirts for the men. Both men and women are wearing American shoes. The man in the fourth photo I believe is wearing an American hat for shade. Considering that the Indian children are forced to attend boarding school, it is appropriate for them to have proper attire. Another assimilation I notice is in picture five. In the background, it seems to be some sort of building. In the past, the Indians lived in teepee type of huts. With the government forcing the Indians onto such small land, I am sure they do not have as many resources to build their traditional homes with. The building in the picture is not one you would see form an Indians culture, it is very much American. In picture six, there are three tin buckets in the left background. The Indians do not make tin pots. It looks like the Indian-made baskets are not the only source for holding items. The Indians as shown in pictures one, four, and five are using cloth. Indians did not make cotton cloth like this. They have incorporated this into their lives most likely because of the lack of freedom they had to hunt for resources they used in the past or possibly because they enjoyed the convenience of the cloth. Their cultural dress was made up of animal skins, leather and fur, but now it is mostly cloth that was most likely bartered for. They may have traded their expertly crafted baskets for it. There were other issues being imposed upon the Indians to assimilate. Marriage, as an example, was for life and a must for a man and women to be together. The Americans expected the men to do the agricultural work, when it usually would have been a woman’s job in their Native culture. Native men’s jobs were more masculine than agriculture as Historian Rice states, â€Å"the male sphere extended to politics, religion, and harvesting and processing of animal, rock, and wood products, as well as dealing with outside groups in trade, diplomacy, and warfare. The Native Indians did not have many other choices but to go along with the imposed authority by the Americans because the American weapons out-powered the Indians’ bows and arrows. The Indians did not have a political system strong enough for the tribes to come together and fight the Americans. Mostly, it was all the different languages that prevented t his united front from happening. Indians also quickly died off due to their lack of resistance to the diseases the Europeans brought over. This further weakened the Indians and was probably very discouraging to those who were still strong enough to fight. Even though there were several aspects where the Mono and Chukchansi Indians looked as though they were assimilated into the American culture, they still seized every opportunity they could to do things the way they had for thousands of years. The Native Indians’ main source of bread came from the acorn as it did thousands of years ago. They still processed and stored the acorn meal just as they did thousands of years ago. Their art still was very much a strong and important part of their culture and trade system in the 1920’s. I believe that because the boarding school still operates now in the 21st century and offers a special place just for the Native Indians, that there is still a strong connection to keep the culture of the Indians alive and going. I believe that if it was a place of segregation and humiliation the Indians today would not attend it. This is why I feel it must be a place for them to unite and stand proud. Bibliography Irwin, Mary Ann. â€Å"Native California. † Video lecture. Blackboard, HIST 3500 Sec 04, Course Materials, Week 2. Irwin, Mary Ann. â€Å"The Fed, the State, and the Indians. † Video lecture. Blackboard, HIST 3500 Sec 04, Course Material, Week 2. National Archives Pacific Region, San Francisco, CA. National Archives Record Group 75, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Sacramento Area Office. â€Å"Survey of Fresno and Madera Counties, L. D. Creel, ca. 1920. † Coded Records Relating to Programs and Administration, 1910-1958, Box 44. San Francisco: National Archives Pacific Region. Also available online at http://www. irwinator. com/3500/acorn-handouts. doc. Rice, Richard B. , William A. Bullough, Richard J. Orsi, and Mary Ann Irwin. The Elusive Eden: A New History of California, 4th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2012. How to cite Native Americans in the United States, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Rights of Women an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by

Rights of Women Introduction Women rights can be defined as freedoms for women and girls in the society (Cook, 1993) and may include, the right to vote, hold public office, own property, to fair wages, to education, to bodily integrity, to autonomy, to marital rights, to work, to religious rights, to serve in military as well a the right to get involved in legal contracts (Cook, 1993). Need essay sample on "Rights of Women" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Women have been for a very long time, sidelined and discriminated in job opportunities and other spheres of life by the men and by the society. Throughout history, majority members of the society have been gendered into constructing women as the weaker sex. This has had a devastating effect on the women. As a result, women have missed job opportunities, women have been sidelined from taking political office, and women have been denied equal access to land and other property and as well being given a different treatment when it comes to serving in the military. This paper will analyze factual and current literature on the political and military rights of women in five countries namely; India, Egypt, China, Iraq and Canada. It is worth noting that, rights of women is an issue that has been influenced by very many factors. The right of women is not an issue which just happened. The reasons for denial of same rights to women as given to men largely depend on a given society and the reasons vary from country to country and from region to region. Religion plays a big role in access of same rights to women as many. For example in Iraq and Egypt which share the same predominant religion, Islam, and the laws concerning military and politics are inclined towards the teachings of Islam (Afshari, 1994). Women in the both countries fail to participate in politics as a result of the religious beliefs. Another factor which determines why women do not have same access to military and political jobs is based on the cultures of the two countries. Both Egypt and Iraq have very conservative cultures and in both countries men are regarded as very powerful and important than women. Therefore, they are tasked with military duties which require strength and perseverance, something which the two cultures view women as lacking. History has also played an important role in determining the stance the two countries have taken against women. Largely, both countries have not embraced democracy since independence. Cases of revolutions and coups in both countries have had a bearing on the leaderships of the countries. For instance the leadership of Saddam Hussein in Iraq watered down any political gains the society had achieved in that country. Under the Saddam regime advocates of political rights for women were seen as enemies of the state and agents of the west; such were dealt with mercilessly. Iraq has faired well compared to Egypt, for instance, the Iraq provisional constitution of 1970 granted equal rights to women. Therefore women were entitled to vote, to education, to run for political office but all those achievements were diluted by subsequent political environment. Therefore the current situation has got to do with political instability which has made it unattractive for women to join the military or politics. Indeed in 1986 Iraq had ratified the convention on elimination of all forms of discriminations against women. All the gains were quickly watered down with the presidency of Saddam with several decrees being passed which dealt a blow to women political and military rights. The unusually tough stance on issues regarding to women political rights led many women to go into exile in fear of their lives. The leadership would go in as far as to gang the media to make sure that no form of feminism ever cropped up in Iraq (Suad, 1992). The same case is true for Egypt. The leadership of the country has never embraced women rights although it takes a rather softer stand on the issue of women and politics compared to the current Iraq. The media which is very core in advocating for equal rights for women is censored so much that to operate in Egypt, a media house has to be conformist. There is no freedom of expression just as it is the case with Iraq, any one who voices concerns about women rights is seen as a dissident something which is punishable by death. The womens rights law of 1979 had become instrumental in the struggle for women rights (Suad, 1992). But soon after the 1979 women rights were reversed and since then Egypt continues to be a country where wom en rights are violated. Therefore due to lack of freedom of speech, the societys construction of women as weak and not as able as men, the treatment of women as inferior, the historical events in regard to the leadership of both Iraq and Egypt have all been instrumental in denying women their universal and natural rights to join politics and the military (Suad, 1992). The situation has become so complex that it would seem no women are interested in that kind of jobs any more. There are very few civil rights groups allowed to operate in both Iraq and Egypt due to political reasons. Therefore the matter is rarely discussed in public and when it happens, it is the leadership denouncing the idea or even spelling tough warnings against any would-be advocates and activists. Unless there is the good will from the political leadership of both Egypt and Iraq women are likely to continue suffering from denial to political and military rights (Suad, 1992). The society also will have to do away with their gender construction of women as weak by borrowing from other countries in the west and even in Africa whereby women have proved to be a good match for men and have even at times outdone the men. Taking an example from Africa, Liberia currently has a woman President. It is worth noting this country has a political history of civil war just as it is the case for Iraq. Barely a year since President Johnson Sirleaf took charge; there is every indication that the country is steadily growing both economically and politically (Alston, 1990). All this is happening under the political leadership of a woman. Therefore Egypt and Iraq have a great deal to learn from Liberia. India has a good history of empowering women both politically and militarily. India has women soldiers serving in UN peace keeping missions. This is a clear indication of how far India has gone in terms of human rights and women rights in particular. The constitution of India has provided for equal rights for both women and men and does not offer any preferential treatment to either women or men. Therefore the constitution has played the most significant role in shaping women rights in the country. In addition to the Prevention of Human Traffic Act, the Sati Act, and the Dowry Prevention Act, there is a need for more elaborate laws to enhance women rights. The influence of the British as the colonizers during the pre-independence also played a role in women empowerment. This is because the British themselves although male dominated they were open to contribution of women in politics and military. Of significance is the fact that British was under the political leadership of a woman, Queen Elizabeth II, something which Indian women could have been inspired by. Religion also has had a role to play in India in that the dominant Hindu and Buddhism did not have radical stance against women. Compared to Islam, which is dominant in Egypt and Iraq, Hinduism and Buddhism welcome empowerment of women in the society (Cook, 1993). This is evident in that India has on numerous occasions voted in women as Prime Ministers. Again India has flourished economically under the political leadership of women. These women have served as role models for young generations of women who continue to strive free of any negative gender implications. Although in terms of political and military rights India has empowered the women. This does not imply that there are no other issues of women rights. For instance the larger Indian community continues to advocate for selected births whereby giving birth to a boy is considered to be better than giving birth to a girl. This has something to do with the religious and cultural beliefs and it is therefore a women rights issue and one area which India should change. India upholds the democratic rights of women and there are very many human rights and women rights activists who fight abuse of women rights. This is very important in that even if the women are given military and political rights but are subjected to sex abuse which is very rife in India, the girl child may never live to access or to exploit the military and political rights. It is worth noting that both political and military rights are some rights which not every woman in the society can take advantage of. For a woman to enjoy or utilize these rights, they need to have led a life free of sex abuse, and girl child discrimination (Cook, 1993). Therefore India needs to empower women rights form childhood by discouraging sex discrimination and fighting sex slavery. Only then will the women enjoy the military and political rights offered in the constitution. China is a conservative society which does not embrace women empowerment politically and militarily rights (Bunch, 1990). Again this has been influenced by historical factors, religion and culture. In China women are allowed to take up political positions or to vie for election posts but rarely get elected due to cultural barriers. Human rights are hardly upheld in China, let alone women rights. The country does not encourage criticism and therefore women rights activists have not made progress in convincing the government to recognize women political and military rights. The Chinese constitution provide for equal rights for men and women in terms of property ownership, jobs and education (Bunch, 1990). However the law is rarely followed something which has seen women denied equal political and military rights and when women enter the military, it is under a different footing form that of men, for instance most of the recruits to the army are volunteers. China can learn a great deal from India and Canada which have fully benefited from the input of women in both the military and politics. China will need to embrace the role of women in the society and change the constitution inorder to have a level playing ground for both men women. Canada on its part is a role model when it comes to women rights and military rights. The countrys constitution empowers women to seek any political seat in the country as long as they are citizens. Therefore in Canada, political representation in the parliament is a fair one for both women and men (Bunch, 1990). Canada is one of the few countries in the world to embrace gender equality as well as promotion of women rights and it has incorporated this in its foreign and domestic policies. Therefore Canada has excelled in terms of women political and military rights. Canada also is a signatory of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. Conclusion Rights of women are very important in if the world aims to truly co-exist in a peaceful manner. The highlights of China, Egypt, India, Iraq and Canada are an indication of where the world is, in terms of gender equality and human and women rights. The five countries represent many countries and shows how the world treats women in terms of access to military and political rights. The lesson derived from the above discussion is that both national and international law is very important factor if the world is going to embrace women rights. References Afshari, R. (1994). An essay on Islamic cultural relativism in the discourse of Human Rights. V.16 Human Rights Quarterly. Alston, P. (1990). The UNs Human Rights Record: From San Francisco to Vienna and beyond. V.16 Human Rights Quarterly. Bunch, C. (1990). Women Rights as Human Rights: Towards a Revision of Human Rights. V. 12 Human Rights Quarterly. Cook, R. (1993). Womens International Human Rights Law: The way forward. V.15 Human Rights Quarterly. Suad, J. (1992). Elite strategies for state-building: Women, Family, Religion and state in Iraq and Lebanon: in women, Islam and the state. Deniz, Kandiyoti. Leiden. The Netherlands: E, J. Brill.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Example

Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Example Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Ferrero Rocher is the 1 of the transnational corporation in the universe via the merchandise: Ferrero Rocher that is sort of the cocoa and the it has a luxury perceptual experience to the client who have some of ground that are monetary value. packaging. and etc. As it is a FMCG ( Fast Move Corporation Goods ) in Malaysia. its sale part has non been attracted in consumers’ behaviour in buying consideration. Duo to of shown jobs. Ferrero Rocher has changed as a newness or advanced bite that will be strong competitory nutrient in eating wont whereby. the witting or prospective consumers can choose Ferrero Rocher. From the beginning to the terminal in its ain execution. Ferrero Rocher is able to be more attractive goods with the reclamation image to the people and so the company will be successful by the basking the great gross in nutrient channel as good. Ferrero Rocher cocoa will be distributed by the redevelopment about most constructs and powerful diffusion in footings of the trade name itself over the universe. : Introduction Ferrero Rocher is a ain trade name name with a household history: Michele Ferrero is the laminitis and the leader in the corporation with his relations who have contributed to the success in the nutrient industry in Italy. Ferrero Rocher is one of the celebrated chocolatier nutrient houses internationally. since it was opened in Italy by Ferrero SpA since 1982. Ferrero Rocher has his ain name as a trade name and it has been bring forthing many types of cocoas with different spirits ; every bit good as diversified cocoas have been made by the company for strategic grounds. For illustration. the chief constituents of the cocoa is based in roasted hazelnut frame into the thin wafer by consolidation with hazelnut pick. milk cocoa and hazelnuts. Each of the merchandises: Ferrero Rocher has a particular covering that is unambiguously shaped with a gold-colored packaging that states the ingredients with the 73 Calories. The house has been executing good all-over the universe with strong distributions. It is involved in many societal activities and duties: like giving contributions. environmental contemplation. and moral concern. Ferrero Rocher has its missions that are: high quality value with good ingredients and freshness into all its merchandises. Furthermore. the company tries its best in pass oning with the clients and keeping their trueness. In planetary nutrient disposal of Ferrero Rocher. its public presentation. and launching is regarded as weaker in Malaysia than in other states ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) Business ambiance There is PEST ( Political. Economic. Social. and Technology ) analysis about Ferrero Rocher in Malaysia. It is critical to analyse the sectors like Political. Economic. Social. and Technology in order to be more seeable to follow the factors for success. The undermentioned theories have been taken as Ferrero Rocher’s public presentation in Malaysia. 1. Political Ferrero Rocher Chocolate is an imported merchandise by an Italian company that is Ferrero SpA and so there are legalities in trading concern by Malaysia between Malaysia and Italy. The intent is to protect the local nutrient industries: commanding all imported goods so as to profit the Malayan concerns. Any new type of imported bite. like those of chocolate beginning. introduced in Malaysia will hold a negative impact on the local market. therefore a demand for legal controls. Ferrero Rocher will besides hold to subject to these Torahs. In other words. the imported goods are monitored so as to guarantee measure. quality. and equity. The chief intent of the jurisprudence is to profit both states: Malaysia A ; Italy and in the procedure profiting Ferrero Rocher’ cocoa in Malaysia. In add-on to that. faith is another political factor to be considered by Ferrero Rocher. For case. the Halal logo on the screen or box gives confidence to the Muslim consumers that Ferrero Rocher is consumable by them without bias. Presently health care is considered to be another political factor. particularly its negative effects like weight addition. tooth decay relating to chocolate. Thus the Malayan authorities is supervising the quality of these nutrients. including Ferrero Rocher ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . 2. Economic The aim of all concern is to maximise net incomes by minimising the costs. therefore the demand for sophisticated machineries. efficient labor. low rental etc. Tax and involvement rates are an of import constituent of costs. and they are indispensable. The economic growing factor is of import to monetary value repair and to pull off the administrative costs. The income degree of the bulk of the consumers will be considered for the selling scheme to advance this cocoa as an low-cost and proper bite in Malaysia. In term of employment Ferrero Rocher employs a batch of Malaysians and besides use a batch of the land for set uping their mill therefore enabling better use of the domestic resources. This will lend towards bettering the Gross Domestic Product of the state. World Economic status will be affair of B to B like exchange rate between the two states. Since the economic growing and the exchange rate of both the states are different. the company has to monetary value the cocoas in Ma laysia that is good to the company and the counties concerned ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . 3. Social Malaysian’s eating wonts vary between the different races. civilizations and beliefs. The purchase of bites varies with the spirits. every bit good as the retail mercantile establishments: nutrient tribunal. supermarket. convenient shops etc. Ferrero Rocher’s merchandises offer high quality in epicurean designs: value for money. Religion. an of import factor to be considered. The Muslims are really concern about ‘halal’ labels ; as it gives them confidence that the nutrient is fit to be consumed without spiritual bias. Ferrero Rocher demand to see this affair. Health is besides another issue in Malaysia where weight and dental decay is a concern particularly the ingestion of cocoa merchandises. Therefore Ferrero Rocher demand to be cautious about this excessively. Damage to environment by the disposal of waste stuff is besides a concern of the authorities. Ferrerp Ropcher demand to wrap and box the cocoas in reclaimable boxes that are non normally disposed of after the cocoa has been consumed. This will assist protect the environment ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . 4. Technology As it is an international merchandise. many mills have been established in Malaysia. It is the good belongings for Malaysia because assortment of bites can be produced appears in larger countries in Malaysia. However. it needs expects to do or pull off all processing in working topographic point. Worldwide distribution will hold demand of local work force to do amp ; manage for localisation their concern. Furthermore. skilled employees increase and other engineering can be improved by passing down the techniques by transmittal from Italy to Malaysia ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) SWOT Analysis 1. Strengths Ferrero Rocher’s cocoa is advertised and demonstrated as a high quality merchandise and it has besides been considered the perceptual experience of the consumers. It has besides been characterized to hold it ain singularity in the market. It is made in Italy’s engineering and by manus by their local work-force in Malaysia. The cocoa has been considered to be wholly different as perceived by the consumers. It has besides made a part to the list of cocoas in the market. making more picks for the consumers. 2. Failing There are some rigorous regulations to adhere in Malaysia as it is an imported nutrient point from Italy. The monetary value is on the high side and it is supported by the quality image: the gold wadding. The ‘high’ image and the high monetary value may non promote the mean income consumer to see Ferrero Rocher. The monetary value makes a large proportion of their disposable income and that is a detering point to see. 3. Opportunity Ferrero Rocher attracts new consumers via their new and tasty spirits that is considered a forte. As a consequence the possible consumers who want new and alone gustatory sensations would see this cocoa: a alteration in consumers’ gustatory sensations is noted in Malaysia. and that is an chance that Ferrero Rocher should see for it enlargement plan in the hereafter in Malaysia. 4. Menaces In Malaysia the criterion of life is non unvarying. hence there are rich and hapless people. The low and in-between income group does non habitually eat cocoas. The parents who are concerned about their children’s feeding. particularly nutrient that put on weight. may deflect the kids to other bites. Ferrero Rocher has been confronting much competition in imparting their cocoa in the local and international market. [ Appendix 1 ] Market Analysis 1. Rival Ferrero Rocher’s cocoa merchandises considered as a delicacy bite has many competition from companies like. Hershey. Toblerone and Cadburys. The competition is with Cadbury’s new cocoa called Dairy Milk ; and Cadbury is besides a big transnational company. holding mills in France. Poland. UK etc. They offer many types of nutrient. like Bars. Cakes A ; Biscuits and Boxes. Bag A ; Tin. Drinks. and Ice pick A ; Desserts. Cadbury focuses on internal program. more nutrition cocoa. and many diversified merchandises. in order to accomplish net incomes and to last in a competitory market. Toblerone is besides an international company that has cocoa saloon including Nugget. Almonds. and Honey. and is a rival to Ferrero Rocher. It is following Schott’s Food A ; Drink Miscellany: standard method in nutrient and merger in unifying different kind of nutrient. The company’s strengths are the design on the screen that appears to portray a criterion in size. constituents and that it is cheap. The point to observe is that Ferrero Rocher has many rivals and a weak distribution channel. The merchandises like Dove. Milo and Whole Roast Almond are considered as prospective cocoas deluging the market. Dove is a new trade name offered by Mars Company. They have come with caramel. cocoa saloon and cookies as their chief merchandises. but they lack market consciousness. Milo. another trade name created by Nestle. who is besides a transnational. It offers drinks. breakfast cereals. cocoa saloon etc. The Whole Roast Almond owned by household concern with a ‘Dutch Press’ and uses alkalic salt to heighten the quality of their cocoas. but they have a weak nutrient channel and distribution methods. [ Appendix 2 ] 2. Consumers There are many types of bites with cocoa spirit. in the nutrient industry: Ferrero Rocher cocoa. Dairy Milk and Hershey. These are international trade names that are easy available in Malaysia and are received good by the Malaysians. There is plentifulness of pick for the consumers. The Ferrero Rocher cocoa consumers are divided into Gender. Age. Lifestyle and Income groups. The female population has a higher inclination to purchase Ferrero Rocher as the cocoa is wrapped in gold and has a soft crunch indoors. The immature population who is made up of 13. 7 % between the age of 15-19 and 13. 1 % between the age of 20-24. in 2011. are researching new gustatory sensations and seem to prefer Ferrero Rocher as they are developing a wont for sweet nutrient. As for the income group the skilled and the high income group can afford to buy Ferrero Rocher since they have a high disbursement power. The skilled and semi skilled people shows that 25 % are the possible consumers of this cocoa. Development schemes There are two selling schemes to better its sale’s place and this has to see both the consumer A ; Ferrero Rocher Company. First it has to shift the image of the merchandises perceptual experience by the possible consumers ; who are presuming that the cocoa is non for the normal income group. Effective communicating should assist win the consumers bosom and to keep their trueness. The monetary value is another scheme that the company demand to see. They need to see the costs associating to processing processs. and this could deviate the possible consumers from other competitory trade names and set Ferrero Rocher as the leader in the nutrient channel ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . [ Appendix 3 ] Segmentation A ; Targeting There are some ways to section wholly people by categorising them by their common 8nterests or characteristics. As referred to in the Appendix. The Malaysians can be separated into three chief groups: the Malay who make up 50. 4 % . Chinese 23. 7 % . autochthonal 11 % . while the Indians make up 7. 1 % and other 7. 8 % . with the entire population of 28. 7 million. Since the Malayans make up the bulk in the market. therefore the focal point has to be on them. They are the strategic group. Besides that the age is besides a factor for cleavage. Those in the age group of 15 to 24 old ages make up of more than 50 % of the entire population. They can besides be catogarise into income group: high income group. meddle income group and low income group. Another manner to sort is by profession. that is the pupil. the skilled. the semi-skilled and the professionals. The immature. the high and in-between income group. the skilled. and semi-skilled. and the pupils are the population who would be able and willing to purchase Ferrero Rocher. Positioning The procedure of cleavage of the population is of import to aim and to implement the right attack to acquire the group to purchase Ferrero Rocher. The cleavage helps to distinguish Ferrero Rocher from the other trade names of cocoas. in relation to the quality and the benefits that can be derived from these cocoas. It will besides enable the company to aim the gross revenues schemes in a manner to acquire the consumers to purchase their cocoa or switch off from other trade names to Ferrero Rocher as satisfaction from the bite can be assured. Aims with 4P’s: Merchandise. Place. Price. and Promotion 1. Fiscal Presently Ferrero Rocher has been sacking a gross revenues of 6. 6 billion Euros and accomplishing more than 4. 3 per centum of net sale growing as comparison to old twelvemonth. The group employs more than 20000 employees and is puting 383 million Euros ; to increasing its capacity. The investing is about 5 % of the net gross revenues figures. The Group is invariably puting in invention. research. and development and has. in peculiar. late been concentrating on energy-efficient installings in its workss. The fiscal aims are divided into two: to increase its capacity and to consolidate its investings and it may be equated to 13 % of the net gross revenues in 2013 ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . To increase the value of the cocoas to the consumers an effectual program is required. Therefore the pricing harmonizing to the packaging is important. For illustration the 16 pieces battalion is RM 16. 88 and that is about RM 1. 06 per piece. while the 24 pieces battalion is RM29. 88 and it is about RM 1. 25 per piece. ‘Penetration monetary value strategy’ can be used as a new program to capture the market. If the monetary value can be decreased from RM16. 88 to RM15. 88 for the 16 pieces battalion can be low-cost by the consumers. although this might be followed by a monetary value war. Monetary value is the strongest ground that motivates consumers and as an illustration. the discounted monetary value has been successful in pulling clients in Starbuck. in Malaysia. In add-on. the manner the cocoas are supplied to the clients is by avoiding the mediators like the jobber. retail merchant. agents etc. This attack will assist minimise the costs. from the upstream to the downstream. This will enable the company to salvage costs and that means more net incomes can be earned. The one external channel is the retail merchants who will be responsible to assist present the cocoas to the clients. The clients can acquire the cocoas straight from these mercantile establishments. 2. Selling As a cognitive major issue is the â€Å"customers† in the selling scheme: the scheme is to be fit the consumers in footings of quality: represented by presentation. freshness. wellness factors etc and these are of import to acquire customers’ trueness. The company could expose more of its cocoa on the shelves of the urban shops. This could entice the clients towards Ferrero Rocher. They could besides concentrate on the strength of merchandise betterment like let go ofing new and less thermal cocoas. by the terminal of 2012 ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . Ferrero Rocher can make many spirits of cocoas and in many combinations: with existent fruits. When the cocoa is bitten one can acquire the crunchy sound while the interior is soft. The fruits give a sensational feeling to the clients. These assortments of gustatory sensations should lure the costumiers to switch to Ferrero Rocher and see it to be their favourite pick. There are two big hyper markets in Malaya: the TESCO A ; JUSCO. They display the cocoas. over the old ages. in 32 mercantile establishments ( as for TESCO ) and 21 mercantile establishments ( as for JUSCO ) . It is besides displayed in the local college like TAYLOR’s and INTI in their cafeteria to provide for the pupils. and that has enhanced gross revenues. The cocoas have besides been launched in some of the celebrated cafe like Starbuck in Malaysia. which has more than 150 mercantile establishments ( Starbuck. com. 2009 ) On the packaging. to pull the clients a mascot has been created as an extra personality. on the surface of the cocoas. This particularly focused to pull the kids who strongly patronize the cocoas. This will besides prolong it luxury mentality and develop consumer’s trueness. Ferrero Rocher approaches its client in many ways. and they take advantage by advancing the cocoas during the Valentine’s Day and Christmas Day. It is really reasonable to sell them during these occasions as the consumers will be seeking something of the best for themselves or to be given as gifts. Therefore aggressive advertizement during these periods is important ( Mooney L. . 1997 ) Making a romantic narrative with Ferrero Rocher has besides created success as it is a strong promotional tool. For illustration the proposal by a adult male to a lady. with Ferrero Rocher. makes it seem like a fairy narrative that the people want to copy. The cocoa has besides been used as a corsage in nuptialss. and that will convey felicity to the bride. This narrative has created a new civilization and that is good for the concern. and these actions have benefited both the Corporation and the consumers ( NAIR V. 2012 ) 3. Social The company is besides concern about the â€Å"Green Business† . and this is done by suiting the recycling of the cover paper or waste and to open. more mills to recycle. By 2012 it intends to increase recycling by 30 % . They intend to cut down disbursement on H2O by 30 % and besides cut down the CO2 emitted into the environment ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . The company has besides been concerned about the environment. It uses recycled documents in their concern. They are traveling green. This has earned them a contributing relationship with the authorities. This action of utilizing recycled documents has aid cut down their disbursals. ( HUONG T. 2011 ) An event with the Ferrero Rocher is another types of societal promotional issue that is highlighted to the many of consumers about the merchandises in peculiar state of affairs. Likewise. some competitions has besides similar aim by the strong protagonists or sponsorships. For illustration. an award to the victor will be publicizing automatically Ferrero Rocher. In other word. the company offer societal activities that make the consumers to bask with the merchandises. Internal Marketing A ; Customer Service It is of import that the employees have a good instruction and cognition. This will assist them to be efficient in their work. and that would profit the company. They will besides understand the premier aim of the company: the advantage and disadvantages associating to wellness. quality of the merchandise. the industry. the information associating to transport. the trade name publicities and besides communications will be effectual. All this will heighten a healthy relationship between the staff and the company. Budgeting In 50 billion budgeting in 2011. the capital is allocated into the some classs that have contained its ain manner to be attractive bite to the clients. It is to do a positive possible state of affairs in their market and it plans by the 2013. Ferrero Rocher is able to upgrade with the rating in the given tabular array: Control and Implementation New characteristic Ferrero Rocher has been released in nutrient industry via assorted Medias like Television. Newspaper. and etc. As mentioning to the Gantt chart Appendix4. the merchandise has been good known but it need to be governed by the people who have its duty or qualified employers at working topographic point. In 2012 or the hereafter. any of concerns must be take attention of itself by the experts or the professionals in order to look into all of treating for predict and prevent if there misguided goods or hapless quality of a merchandises. [ Appendix4 ] * Identify all of health that can be great sale if the consciousness go a high * Outstanding of Active communities like web log. web site and facebook as a chirrup * Large of articulations a incursion or competition by the people * Useful advertisement tools like newspaper. Television and wireless to distribute* Positive image of the Ferrero Rocher* Reasonable or acceptable gait in all of processing* Logical scheme has a given into the concern* Strong market portion in confident relationship in long- term Ferrero Rocher is able to acquire rid of its troubles via these valid cellar program A ; action as a control. 13 % of net sale can be shown in proper execution that should be performed systematically every bit good. In outstanding of its facets. all of belongingss will be given such as a great net incomes or border. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //komunitikini. com/kl-selangor/putrajaya/malaysimalaysia-skilled-workers-at-25-perecnt [ Accessed 15 Feb 2012 ] 4. Mooney L. . 1997. ‘Advertising A ; Promotion: Design Choice’ . Brand Republic Group Website. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. marketingmagazine. co. uk/news/59757/ [ Accessed 20 Feb 2012 ] 5. Nair V. . 2012. ‘Couple’s alone love narrative wins contest’ . theonlinestar. com. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //thestar. com. my/news/story. asp? sec=central A ; file=/2012/2/18/central/10730535 [ Accessed 12 Feb 2012 ] 6. Percept media. 2011. MEDIA PLANNING GUIDE. 17th EDITION. UTUSAN MEDIA SALES. [ BOOK ] [ Accessed: 24 October 2011 ] 7. Starbucks. com. . 2009. ‘Starbucks in Malaysia’ . Starbuck Company. About Starbucks [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //starbucks. com. my/en-US/_About+Starbucks/Starbucks+in+ % 28your+country % 29. htm [ Accessed 21 Feb 2012 ]

Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Example

Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Example Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Ferrero Rocher Essay Essay Ferrero Rocher is the 1 of the transnational corporation in the universe via the merchandise: Ferrero Rocher that is sort of the cocoa and the it has a luxury perceptual experience to the client who have some of ground that are monetary value. packaging. and etc. As it is a FMCG ( Fast Move Corporation Goods ) in Malaysia. its sale part has non been attracted in consumers’ behaviour in buying consideration. Duo to of shown jobs. Ferrero Rocher has changed as a newness or advanced bite that will be strong competitory nutrient in eating wont whereby. the witting or prospective consumers can choose Ferrero Rocher. From the beginning to the terminal in its ain execution. Ferrero Rocher is able to be more attractive goods with the reclamation image to the people and so the company will be successful by the basking the great gross in nutrient channel as good. Ferrero Rocher cocoa will be distributed by the redevelopment about most constructs and powerful diffusion in footings of the trade name itself over the universe. : Introduction Ferrero Rocher is a ain trade name name with a household history: Michele Ferrero is the laminitis and the leader in the corporation with his relations who have contributed to the success in the nutrient industry in Italy. Ferrero Rocher is one of the celebrated chocolatier nutrient houses internationally. since it was opened in Italy by Ferrero SpA since 1982. Ferrero Rocher has his ain name as a trade name and it has been bring forthing many types of cocoas with different spirits ; every bit good as diversified cocoas have been made by the company for strategic grounds. For illustration. the chief constituents of the cocoa is based in roasted hazelnut frame into the thin wafer by consolidation with hazelnut pick. milk cocoa and hazelnuts. Each of the merchandises: Ferrero Rocher has a particular covering that is unambiguously shaped with a gold-colored packaging that states the ingredients with the 73 Calories. The house has been executing good all-over the universe with strong distributions. It is involved in many societal activities and duties: like giving contributions. environmental contemplation. and moral concern. Ferrero Rocher has its missions that are: high quality value with good ingredients and freshness into all its merchandises. Furthermore. the company tries its best in pass oning with the clients and keeping their trueness. In planetary nutrient disposal of Ferrero Rocher. its public presentation. and launching is regarded as weaker in Malaysia than in other states ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) Business ambiance There is PEST ( Political. Economic. Social. and Technology ) analysis about Ferrero Rocher in Malaysia. It is critical to analyse the sectors like Political. Economic. Social. and Technology in order to be more seeable to follow the factors for success. The undermentioned theories have been taken as Ferrero Rocher’s public presentation in Malaysia. 1. Political Ferrero Rocher Chocolate is an imported merchandise by an Italian company that is Ferrero SpA and so there are legalities in trading concern by Malaysia between Malaysia and Italy. The intent is to protect the local nutrient industries: commanding all imported goods so as to profit the Malayan concerns. Any new type of imported bite. like those of chocolate beginning. introduced in Malaysia will hold a negative impact on the local market. therefore a demand for legal controls. Ferrero Rocher will besides hold to subject to these Torahs. In other words. the imported goods are monitored so as to guarantee measure. quality. and equity. The chief intent of the jurisprudence is to profit both states: Malaysia A ; Italy and in the procedure profiting Ferrero Rocher’ cocoa in Malaysia. In add-on to that. faith is another political factor to be considered by Ferrero Rocher. For case. the Halal logo on the screen or box gives confidence to the Muslim consumers that Ferrero Rocher is consumable by them without bias. Presently health care is considered to be another political factor. particularly its negative effects like weight addition. tooth decay relating to chocolate. Thus the Malayan authorities is supervising the quality of these nutrients. including Ferrero Rocher ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . 2. Economic The aim of all concern is to maximise net incomes by minimising the costs. therefore the demand for sophisticated machineries. efficient labor. low rental etc. Tax and involvement rates are an of import constituent of costs. and they are indispensable. The economic growing factor is of import to monetary value repair and to pull off the administrative costs. The income degree of the bulk of the consumers will be considered for the selling scheme to advance this cocoa as an low-cost and proper bite in Malaysia. In term of employment Ferrero Rocher employs a batch of Malaysians and besides use a batch of the land for set uping their mill therefore enabling better use of the domestic resources. This will lend towards bettering the Gross Domestic Product of the state. World Economic status will be affair of B to B like exchange rate between the two states. Since the economic growing and the exchange rate of both the states are different. the company has to monetary value the cocoas in Ma laysia that is good to the company and the counties concerned ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . 3. Social Malaysian’s eating wonts vary between the different races. civilizations and beliefs. The purchase of bites varies with the spirits. every bit good as the retail mercantile establishments: nutrient tribunal. supermarket. convenient shops etc. Ferrero Rocher’s merchandises offer high quality in epicurean designs: value for money. Religion. an of import factor to be considered. The Muslims are really concern about ‘halal’ labels ; as it gives them confidence that the nutrient is fit to be consumed without spiritual bias. Ferrero Rocher demand to see this affair. Health is besides another issue in Malaysia where weight and dental decay is a concern particularly the ingestion of cocoa merchandises. Therefore Ferrero Rocher demand to be cautious about this excessively. Damage to environment by the disposal of waste stuff is besides a concern of the authorities. Ferrerp Ropcher demand to wrap and box the cocoas in reclaimable boxes that are non normally disposed of after the cocoa has been consumed. This will assist protect the environment ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . 4. Technology As it is an international merchandise. many mills have been established in Malaysia. It is the good belongings for Malaysia because assortment of bites can be produced appears in larger countries in Malaysia. However. it needs expects to do or pull off all processing in working topographic point. Worldwide distribution will hold demand of local work force to do amp ; manage for localisation their concern. Furthermore. skilled employees increase and other engineering can be improved by passing down the techniques by transmittal from Italy to Malaysia ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) SWOT Analysis 1. Strengths Ferrero Rocher’s cocoa is advertised and demonstrated as a high quality merchandise and it has besides been considered the perceptual experience of the consumers. It has besides been characterized to hold it ain singularity in the market. It is made in Italy’s engineering and by manus by their local work-force in Malaysia. The cocoa has been considered to be wholly different as perceived by the consumers. It has besides made a part to the list of cocoas in the market. making more picks for the consumers. 2. Failing There are some rigorous regulations to adhere in Malaysia as it is an imported nutrient point from Italy. The monetary value is on the high side and it is supported by the quality image: the gold wadding. The ‘high’ image and the high monetary value may non promote the mean income consumer to see Ferrero Rocher. The monetary value makes a large proportion of their disposable income and that is a detering point to see. 3. Opportunity Ferrero Rocher attracts new consumers via their new and tasty spirits that is considered a forte. As a consequence the possible consumers who want new and alone gustatory sensations would see this cocoa: a alteration in consumers’ gustatory sensations is noted in Malaysia. and that is an chance that Ferrero Rocher should see for it enlargement plan in the hereafter in Malaysia. 4. Menaces In Malaysia the criterion of life is non unvarying. hence there are rich and hapless people. The low and in-between income group does non habitually eat cocoas. The parents who are concerned about their children’s feeding. particularly nutrient that put on weight. may deflect the kids to other bites. Ferrero Rocher has been confronting much competition in imparting their cocoa in the local and international market. [ Appendix 1 ] Market Analysis 1. Rival Ferrero Rocher’s cocoa merchandises considered as a delicacy bite has many competition from companies like. Hershey. Toblerone and Cadburys. The competition is with Cadbury’s new cocoa called Dairy Milk ; and Cadbury is besides a big transnational company. holding mills in France. Poland. UK etc. They offer many types of nutrient. like Bars. Cakes A ; Biscuits and Boxes. Bag A ; Tin. Drinks. and Ice pick A ; Desserts. Cadbury focuses on internal program. more nutrition cocoa. and many diversified merchandises. in order to accomplish net incomes and to last in a competitory market. Toblerone is besides an international company that has cocoa saloon including Nugget. Almonds. and Honey. and is a rival to Ferrero Rocher. It is following Schott’s Food A ; Drink Miscellany: standard method in nutrient and merger in unifying different kind of nutrient. The company’s strengths are the design on the screen that appears to portray a criterion in size. constituents and that it is cheap. The point to observe is that Ferrero Rocher has many rivals and a weak distribution channel. The merchandises like Dove. Milo and Whole Roast Almond are considered as prospective cocoas deluging the market. Dove is a new trade name offered by Mars Company. They have come with caramel. cocoa saloon and cookies as their chief merchandises. but they lack market consciousness. Milo. another trade name created by Nestle. who is besides a transnational. It offers drinks. breakfast cereals. cocoa saloon etc. The Whole Roast Almond owned by household concern with a ‘Dutch Press’ and uses alkalic salt to heighten the quality of their cocoas. but they have a weak nutrient channel and distribution methods. [ Appendix 2 ] 2. Consumers There are many types of bites with cocoa spirit. in the nutrient industry: Ferrero Rocher cocoa. Dairy Milk and Hershey. These are international trade names that are easy available in Malaysia and are received good by the Malaysians. There is plentifulness of pick for the consumers. The Ferrero Rocher cocoa consumers are divided into Gender. Age. Lifestyle and Income groups. The female population has a higher inclination to purchase Ferrero Rocher as the cocoa is wrapped in gold and has a soft crunch indoors. The immature population who is made up of 13. 7 % between the age of 15-19 and 13. 1 % between the age of 20-24. in 2011. are researching new gustatory sensations and seem to prefer Ferrero Rocher as they are developing a wont for sweet nutrient. As for the income group the skilled and the high income group can afford to buy Ferrero Rocher since they have a high disbursement power. The skilled and semi skilled people shows that 25 % are the possible consumers of this cocoa. Development schemes There are two selling schemes to better its sale’s place and this has to see both the consumer A ; Ferrero Rocher Company. First it has to shift the image of the merchandises perceptual experience by the possible consumers ; who are presuming that the cocoa is non for the normal income group. Effective communicating should assist win the consumers bosom and to keep their trueness. The monetary value is another scheme that the company demand to see. They need to see the costs associating to processing processs. and this could deviate the possible consumers from other competitory trade names and set Ferrero Rocher as the leader in the nutrient channel ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . [ Appendix 3 ] Segmentation A ; Targeting There are some ways to section wholly people by categorising them by their common 8nterests or characteristics. As referred to in the Appendix. The Malaysians can be separated into three chief groups: the Malay who make up 50. 4 % . Chinese 23. 7 % . autochthonal 11 % . while the Indians make up 7. 1 % and other 7. 8 % . with the entire population of 28. 7 million. Since the Malayans make up the bulk in the market. therefore the focal point has to be on them. They are the strategic group. Besides that the age is besides a factor for cleavage. Those in the age group of 15 to 24 old ages make up of more than 50 % of the entire population. They can besides be catogarise into income group: high income group. meddle income group and low income group. Another manner to sort is by profession. that is the pupil. the skilled. the semi-skilled and the professionals. The immature. the high and in-between income group. the skilled. and semi-skilled. and the pupils are the population who would be able and willing to purchase Ferrero Rocher. Positioning The procedure of cleavage of the population is of import to aim and to implement the right attack to acquire the group to purchase Ferrero Rocher. The cleavage helps to distinguish Ferrero Rocher from the other trade names of cocoas. in relation to the quality and the benefits that can be derived from these cocoas. It will besides enable the company to aim the gross revenues schemes in a manner to acquire the consumers to purchase their cocoa or switch off from other trade names to Ferrero Rocher as satisfaction from the bite can be assured. Aims with 4P’s: Merchandise. Place. Price. and Promotion 1. Fiscal Presently Ferrero Rocher has been sacking a gross revenues of 6. 6 billion Euros and accomplishing more than 4. 3 per centum of net sale growing as comparison to old twelvemonth. The group employs more than 20000 employees and is puting 383 million Euros ; to increasing its capacity. The investing is about 5 % of the net gross revenues figures. The Group is invariably puting in invention. research. and development and has. in peculiar. late been concentrating on energy-efficient installings in its workss. The fiscal aims are divided into two: to increase its capacity and to consolidate its investings and it may be equated to 13 % of the net gross revenues in 2013 ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . To increase the value of the cocoas to the consumers an effectual program is required. Therefore the pricing harmonizing to the packaging is important. For illustration the 16 pieces battalion is RM 16. 88 and that is about RM 1. 06 per piece. while the 24 pieces battalion is RM29. 88 and it is about RM 1. 25 per piece. ‘Penetration monetary value strategy’ can be used as a new program to capture the market. If the monetary value can be decreased from RM16. 88 to RM15. 88 for the 16 pieces battalion can be low-cost by the consumers. although this might be followed by a monetary value war. Monetary value is the strongest ground that motivates consumers and as an illustration. the discounted monetary value has been successful in pulling clients in Starbuck. in Malaysia. In add-on. the manner the cocoas are supplied to the clients is by avoiding the mediators like the jobber. retail merchant. agents etc. This attack will assist minimise the costs. from the upstream to the downstream. This will enable the company to salvage costs and that means more net incomes can be earned. The one external channel is the retail merchants who will be responsible to assist present the cocoas to the clients. The clients can acquire the cocoas straight from these mercantile establishments. 2. Selling As a cognitive major issue is the â€Å"customers† in the selling scheme: the scheme is to be fit the consumers in footings of quality: represented by presentation. freshness. wellness factors etc and these are of import to acquire customers’ trueness. The company could expose more of its cocoa on the shelves of the urban shops. This could entice the clients towards Ferrero Rocher. They could besides concentrate on the strength of merchandise betterment like let go ofing new and less thermal cocoas. by the terminal of 2012 ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . Ferrero Rocher can make many spirits of cocoas and in many combinations: with existent fruits. When the cocoa is bitten one can acquire the crunchy sound while the interior is soft. The fruits give a sensational feeling to the clients. These assortments of gustatory sensations should lure the costumiers to switch to Ferrero Rocher and see it to be their favourite pick. There are two big hyper markets in Malaya: the TESCO A ; JUSCO. They display the cocoas. over the old ages. in 32 mercantile establishments ( as for TESCO ) and 21 mercantile establishments ( as for JUSCO ) . It is besides displayed in the local college like TAYLOR’s and INTI in their cafeteria to provide for the pupils. and that has enhanced gross revenues. The cocoas have besides been launched in some of the celebrated cafe like Starbuck in Malaysia. which has more than 150 mercantile establishments ( Starbuck. com. 2009 ) On the packaging. to pull the clients a mascot has been created as an extra personality. on the surface of the cocoas. This particularly focused to pull the kids who strongly patronize the cocoas. This will besides prolong it luxury mentality and develop consumer’s trueness. Ferrero Rocher approaches its client in many ways. and they take advantage by advancing the cocoas during the Valentine’s Day and Christmas Day. It is really reasonable to sell them during these occasions as the consumers will be seeking something of the best for themselves or to be given as gifts. Therefore aggressive advertizement during these periods is important ( Mooney L. . 1997 ) Making a romantic narrative with Ferrero Rocher has besides created success as it is a strong promotional tool. For illustration the proposal by a adult male to a lady. with Ferrero Rocher. makes it seem like a fairy narrative that the people want to copy. The cocoa has besides been used as a corsage in nuptialss. and that will convey felicity to the bride. This narrative has created a new civilization and that is good for the concern. and these actions have benefited both the Corporation and the consumers ( NAIR V. 2012 ) 3. Social The company is besides concern about the â€Å"Green Business† . and this is done by suiting the recycling of the cover paper or waste and to open. more mills to recycle. By 2012 it intends to increase recycling by 30 % . They intend to cut down disbursement on H2O by 30 % and besides cut down the CO2 emitted into the environment ( Ferrero. com. 2009 ) . The company has besides been concerned about the environment. It uses recycled documents in their concern. They are traveling green. This has earned them a contributing relationship with the authorities. This action of utilizing recycled documents has aid cut down their disbursals. ( HUONG T. 2011 ) An event with the Ferrero Rocher is another types of societal promotional issue that is highlighted to the many of consumers about the merchandises in peculiar state of affairs. Likewise. some competitions has besides similar aim by the strong protagonists or sponsorships. For illustration. an award to the victor will be publicizing automatically Ferrero Rocher. In other word. the company offer societal activities that make the consumers to bask with the merchandises. Internal Marketing A ; Customer Service It is of import that the employees have a good instruction and cognition. This will assist them to be efficient in their work. and that would profit the company. They will besides understand the premier aim of the company: the advantage and disadvantages associating to wellness. quality of the merchandise. the industry. the information associating to transport. the trade name publicities and besides communications will be effectual. All this will heighten a healthy relationship between the staff and the company. Budgeting In 50 billion budgeting in 2011. the capital is allocated into the some classs that have contained its ain manner to be attractive bite to the clients. It is to do a positive possible state of affairs in their market and it plans by the 2013. Ferrero Rocher is able to upgrade with the rating in the given tabular array: Control and Implementation New characteristic Ferrero Rocher has been released in nutrient industry via assorted Medias like Television. Newspaper. and etc. As mentioning to the Gantt chart Appendix4. the merchandise has been good known but it need to be governed by the people who have its duty or qualified employers at working topographic point. In 2012 or the hereafter. any of concerns must be take attention of itself by the experts or the professionals in order to look into all of treating for predict and prevent if there misguided goods or hapless quality of a merchandises. [ Appendix4 ] * Identify all of health that can be great sale if the consciousness go a high * Outstanding of Active communities like web log. web site and facebook as a chirrup * Large of articulations a incursion or competition by the people * Useful advertisement tools like newspaper. Television and wireless to distribute* Positive image of the Ferrero Rocher* Reasonable or acceptable gait in all of processing* Logical scheme has a given into the concern* Strong market portion in confident relationship in long- term Ferrero Rocher is able to acquire rid of its troubles via these valid cellar program A ; action as a control. 13 % of net sale can be shown in proper execution that should be performed systematically every bit good. In outstanding of its facets. all of belongingss will be given such as a great net incomes or border. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //komunitikini. com/kl-selangor/putrajaya/malaysimalaysia-skilled-workers-at-25-perecnt [ Accessed 15 Feb 2012 ] 4. Mooney L. . 1997. ‘Advertising A ; Promotion: Design Choice’ . Brand Republic Group Website. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. marketingmagazine. co. uk/news/59757/ [ Accessed 20 Feb 2012 ] 5. Nair V. . 2012. ‘Couple’s alone love narrative wins contest’ . theonlinestar. com. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //thestar. com. my/news/story. asp? sec=central A ; file=/2012/2/18/central/10730535 [ Accessed 12 Feb 2012 ] 6. Percept media. 2011. MEDIA PLANNING GUIDE. 17th EDITION. UTUSAN MEDIA SALES. [ BOOK ] [ Accessed: 24 October 2011 ] 7. Starbucks. com. . 2009. ‘Starbucks in Malaysia’ . Starbuck Company. About Starbucks [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //starbucks. com. my/en-US/_About+Starbucks/Starbucks+in+ % 28your+country % 29. htm [ Accessed 21 Feb 2012 ]