Thursday, May 21, 2020

My Day Of School After Winter Break - 1673 Words

Numb Toes and Good Times There are not many things I love more than the smell of pine trees, the cold brisk wind of the first snowfall, and the joy of Christmas time. I can see myself now, getting released on my last day of school before winter break. Second grade might not have been a struggle, but a couple weeks off of school was just what a little me needed. I trudged home through the snow and slush. The sidewalks were almost non-existent in Michigan winters; you had to search for footprints made by others or risk a rolled ankle. Muddy slush seeped into my snow boots, yet still I had a grin peeled across my face. This smile was mostly a result of the day approaching, December 25th. Christmas mostly meant a couple things to me when I was little, presents, candy, and my favorite vacation out west to the mountains. The Christmas card had already sent out that year, it was all seven of us; heads morphed onto the Little Rascals characters. At the time this was probably relatively funny, but now it’s pr etty much just embarrassing. The poems on the cards were always the best, I’m sure my second grader friends couldn’t interpret the jokes my mom wrote, but their moms would. We would start planning our Christmas cards around September, it was way too early but I guess it was necessary, to create a comic masterpiece. I never understood how she made everything rhyme and flow so well, it still amazes me to this day. When I finally made it home, like clockwork, my mom yelled at meShow MoreRelatedWinter : My Favorite Winter1505 Words   |  7 Pagesbeaches during summer. Personally, I find winter to be the best season. Winter is a bonding season with a multitude of opportunities. The frigid air, the slippery ground and the sheet of white that covers the ground are just a few features of this season.I prefer winter because of the cold weather, the clothing and the long winter break. 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