Friday, May 31, 2019

Stereo Types Essay -- essays research papers

Stereotypes What do you expect form a blonde? A womans place is in the kitchen, Look at the jewelry hes wearing, hes probably a drug dealer How many times have we perceive statements such as these? It is such statements along with numerous others, which have caused our society to isolate and stereotype every individual based on past or previous experiences. To categorize individuals or a group according to an oversimplified standardized image or idea is to stereotype. When we stereotype, it affects our ability to understand and accept individuals and various groups of mint for who they are. Women, Police Officers and various ethnic groups are among many who are stereotyped. In the early 1800s, women were recognized as homemakers. However, as times changed they began to feel the deficiency to get down independent. As a result, women are now frequently stereotyped more than ever, especially in the business environment. Men are accustomed to women acquiring positions that gathe r up a feminine touch such as, nurses, secretaries, school teachers or other clerical positions. Therefore, when a woman acquires a position that puts her in higher authority, such as a role as a Vice President or CEO of a company, she is instantly stereotyped as feeling the need to be dominant. Women are also stereotyped by what they wear. For example, if a woman is wearing an outfit that is tight fitting or wearing a mini skirt, she is misconstrued as being too promiscuous. &n...

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